Dear Mr William Johnson,
I would like to take the time to personally thank you for the privilege to accept your generous travel scholarship. Your continuous support for the Shidler College of Business has allowed students like me the luxury of being able to study abroad to nourish our growth as individuals.
To first introduce myself, my name is Iman Ahmad Fauzi and I am an International student from Malaysia studying in my second year at the Shidler College of Business. My major right now is marketing however, I’m also planning on majoring in International Business with a minor in Political Science. The school that I will be attending during my study abroad will be Copenhagen Business School for the Spring Semester of 2020. I plan on arriving in Copenhagen on the 25th of January, as orientation begins on the 27th. I’m extremely eager to begin this journey in a completely new environment.
T.S Eliot once said that “Only those who risk going too far can find out how far one can go.” This saying is one that I continuously follow in my everyday life. Growing up I attended the International School of Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. Being exposed to such a diverse community of people who are from all over the world has driven me to want to travel and experience the world. I’ve never felt like I belonged in one place nor could I live in one place for the rest of my life. My friends and family are scattered all around the world, from South Africa to Australia, England and more. I am ready to take full advantage of my study abroad opportunity in Denmark to really immerse myself in the Danish culture, explore neighboring countries and make new meaningful connections with everyone there.
I would once again like to reiterate how thankful I am for the generous donation from you. I know that with your help I will truly be able to gain meaningful experiences during my study abroad through exploring Denmark and neighboring countries. I’m excited to see what’s in store for me this next semester in University.
Yours Truly,
Iman Ahmad Fauzi