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Updated: Nov 19, 2020

As my final day abroad is approaching, and my final week in Denmark is here, I would like to reflect on everything I have experienced. Being on a study abroad is unlike any other experience in my life. I think the idea of being abroad for such a short period of time has made me think differently about how to approach this experience in comparison to how I approach my day to day University life in Hawaii. Coming abroad, knowing I would only have a semester with the same people and eventually have to part ways gave me the mindset to ensure that I enjoyed every single moment of it. It’s really made me realize that the best things in life may not be permanent, but they’re worth it.

I do believe that I’ve grown in many ways; one of which is in my academics. Firstly, the world ranking of CBS as a Business school is higher than the University of Hawaii, so coming into university here I knew I would have to work a lot harder in my classes. CBS expects you to be a more independent learner. Part of the reason for this is because they strive for their students being self-motivated adults. Classes are not mandatory, however, it is highly recommended that all students attend as it adds value for learning. This gives students the opportunity to be able to make their own learning decisions which require a high level of maturity. Speaking on the idea of maturity, many students who attend university at CBS generally start around the age of 21 or older. The reason for this is that the Scandinavian system of learning encourages students graduating from High School to take a GAP year or 2 after high school in order for them to gain some independence before starting University. This is truly an inspiring system of learning to me as it’s so different from what I’m used to at my home University where attendance is mandatory, and a lot of our learning is guided to ensure our success. CBS grades are solely based on a final exam grade and sometimes a Midterm grade, but this puts a lot more pressure on us to study and understand our class content to do well in the class.

During this second quarter, I took two classes. Corporate Finance and International Business Law (to fulfill my International Business elective.) International Business Law has been one of the most challenging classes I’ve ever taken, and I truly believe that I’ve achieved milestones in finishing this class. International Business Law is one of the required courses of the International Business bachelors degree in CBS. This is the most prestigious degree in CBS as the requirements to enter include a 12+ grade point average. This is equivalent to an above 4.0 GPA to be accepted into the course. In addition to this, the lectures were each for a minimum of 3 hours, with a few extending to 5 hours. This class has truly tested my ability to pay attention in lectures and absorb such a heavy course load. Finishing this class is something that I am proud of myself for doing, as it has truly tested my learning abilities and comprehension of concepts.

Another way that I believe I have grown through this exchange is through the life long friendships that I’ve made here. The one unfortunate thing that happened in exchange was the COVID-19 situation. This completely turned what I expected my exchange to be upside down. Regardless, I was fortunate enough to find a solid group of friends who coincidentally all decided to stay despite the pandemic and the fact that the majority of exchange students had left to go back to their home country. These friends are from all over the world inclusive of Denmark, Australia, Mexico, Argentina, Nigeria, India, New York, and many more. I’m so grateful to have been able to have them by my side through this whole exchange and quarantine. These friends have truly become a life long family that I know will be in my life forever. It’s an amazing feeling to know that I’ll have a home in all these different places when I go visit them.

Despite the trials, I have been through on this exchange with COVID-19, and a few difficult classes, I would never trade this experience for the world. An exchange experience is so enriching. I have come out of this a completely new and grown person. A much happier, grateful person with such meaningful friendships and experiences to carry with me for the rest of my life.


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