Copenhagen so far has been a dream. I arrived on Friday, January 24th. Everything has so far been smooth sailing. The weather typically around this time of year is cold and drizzles quite a bit, but it’s not unbearable. Some days have sunny blue-skied mornings, and those are the days I’m immediately out of the door on a morning run to explore the city. It’s so easy for me to go on a run alone to explore without feeling that I’m not going to be able to find my way back home. Everyone I’ve met so far is friendly. I’m starting to realize why Copenhagen is ranked one of the most liveable cities in the world.
Schedule of Classes
Copenhagen Business School(CBS) follows a quarter system. I’m currently registered for 4 classes, which are split evenly between the 2 quarters. For the first quarter, I’m taking classes: Principles of International Marketing and Consumer Behaviour and Qualitative Methods.
The course registration process is quite different from UH Manoa as all we have to do is register for classes, and from that CBS creates our class schedule for us. The classes are also split into lecture and exercise classes, multiple times per day or week so that students have a more intensive quarter of learning. Our exams will take place a little bit more than a month after having started the class. In addition to this, our class schedules aren’t consistent every week. Each lecture and exercise may take place on different days and, at different times, so as you can see in the images of my schedule of classes below; some weeks I have Thursdays off, some weeks I have Friday off, and other weeks I have both days off for a long weekend.
The registration process was quite straightforward, and if you were to apply to CBS as an exchange student, their consistent emails to you via Outlook Mail help guide you through the registration process.

Living Abroad
I’m currently living in a student housing building called Katherine Kollegiette. Most of the rooms are single bedrooms. But there are a few shared rooms that I believe mostly exchange students to stay in, as I’m currently placed in one. Once again, the housing process is quite straightforward. CBS helps guide you through it via email, and there’s a list of options and descriptions of the accommodation CBS provides in this link:
My accommodation is about a 20-minute walk from the main campus building Soljberg Plads, but an 8-minute bike ride. In addition to this, there are many different CBS buildings scattered around the area, so I’ll have classes that are an even shorter walk from where I live.