It’s crazy to me how with a blink of an eye, everything you had planned can change. Nothing is certain in life. It’s taken me about 2 weeks to comprehend everything that’s happening with the COVID-19 situation, and quite frankly, I’m still in shock with the chaos it’s caused around the world.
When I came on this Exchange to Denmark, I envisioned that this time of the year when winter turns to Spring, I’d be constantly out in the sun, on runs, going to class, exploring the city with friends, and traveling Europe. As of now, Denmark is on lockdown, as is most of the rest of the world. In about 2 days of the COVID-19 cases increasing here, approximately half of the exchange students at CBS packed their bags to go home, and now only about 1/5th of the exchange students that came to CBS are left in lockdown with the rest of the country. This most definitely is a hard time for everyone, but it’s taught me not to take anything for granted.
My exchange experience so far has been something of a dream. Although this lockdown is not something that I had planned to happen, I am grateful that I made good friends here in Copenhagen to help support me during this hard time. I’m also grateful that Denmark has a great health care system that I’m fortunate enough to benefit from, so I don’t have to be afraid of falling sick and not being taken care of here away from my family back home in Malaysia.
As of now, I plan on continuing my stay in Denmark and my studies at CBS through the online platforms. This is not an ideal situation to be in during my exchange, but it’s a new experience, and it truly is an opportunity for myself and everyone to come out stronger than we were before.